Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Train Wreck In Richmond

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Fan school playground.

From a bench, likely and area of high activity.

From a bench, likely not an area of interest.

From a bench. I think this is a nice angle and the area could be made to have high activity.

From a fence; the blue thing makes this somewhat surreal.

In case we need some irony in a shot...

Toddler Playground:

Toddler playground is right nearby the big playground; equipment is faded and worse for wear, which creates a dreariness. This angle is a from a fence.

From a bench, likely not that active.
From a fence (I think). This could be a neat spot, as the tires create an illusion to military machines. I also suspect games would be created around the bomblets and the tires.

From a fence; a nice angle, but maybe not that much activity

Bryd Park

From a fence/bench, likely not an area of much activity.

From a bench. I think this is an excellent angle, and it could be made into an area of action. The repetitive wooden poles give an a bit of a hostile effect to the equipment...

From a bench/fence. Slides likely would make for interesting movements.

From a fence, likely an area of little activity.

From a fence, not much of interest.

Triangle Park

From a 2ft. brick wall

From a 2ft. brick wall

From a bench, seems like action area.

From a bench; this is the closet fence/bench/wall for views of this side of the playground.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Toys for Tots lithograph part One

Toys fot Tots Lithograph versions 2, 3, 4

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Friday, December 14, 2007

Problems and Possibilities II

Oil on Canvas, 12 x 6'5 ft.

The photos of this painting technically are terrible, but happen to work. Nearly all of the bright sheen is actually glare, not the color of the paint. Most of those areas are a filthy black color in reality, though with shiny additive mixed in the paint. Firsthand it seems mostly black with a bit of brightness, luckily, the overall sheen works just as well.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Problems and Possibilities I

Oil, 10 x 5'4 ft.
A has few changes after letting it sit for a month.

A few hours before the photo above it.

This went through alot of changes
Curious lighting...

The post above this is the canvas on the right as a finished painting.